Maharaja – Movie review

16 Jun

Maharaja (Vijay Sethupathi) is a barber who owns a saloon and living with his daughter Jyothi. in tragic accident where his wife dies and his daughter survives only because a garbage tin covers his daughter and she escapes unhurt. Both the Father and daughter cherish the garbage tin as their guardian angel and even name it as Lakshmi. Maharaja is very fond of his daughter and lives only for her and encourages her in sports as well. When Jyothi leaves for a sporting camp, Maharaja is attacked by thieves in his house and his home is ransacked. He goes to the Police station and gives a complaint that the thieves broke in and took is Lakshmi. Initially the police take this lightly and thinks that maharaja is a lunatic. But when Maharaja offers money as bribe to the police authorities they show interest, but at the same time they also parallelly investigate what might have happened. What was actually lost in Maharaja’s house forms the rest of the story.

Nithilan Swaminathan who directed Kuraungu Bommai , gives us a memorable 50th film for Vijay Sethupathi. The film is made for Vijay Sethupathi, and he single handedly takes command of the film and takes it high. Though the stories’ plot is not new, the screenplay and presentation make it intense and keep us engaged throughout. The cast is well selected and each one of them have their own screen presence throughout the film.  Music and cinematography subtly embrace the film and completes the presentation. Maharaja is a winner with a lot of twists and turns and gets 8/10

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Posted by on June 16, 2024 in Movie Review


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